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The Mikulov Chateau _ open+admission fees
The Synagogue in Mikulov _ open+admission fees
The Archeopark Pavlov _ open+admission fees
Pálava Nature House _ open+admission fees
The Memorial of the Brothers Mrštík - Diváky _ open+admission fees

The Dietrichstein Gallery

The Romans and the Germans in the Region Under Pálava

The Hall of Ancestors

From Gothic to Empire

Wenz Gröll

The dress of Margaretha Francisca of Lobkowicz, born Dietrichstein

The Chateau Library

Gallery of Wine Presses

Chateau cellar

Giant barrel

Traditions in Moravian viticulture

The Synagogue in Mikulov

Pavlov - the Archeopark

Dolní Věstonice – The Life Under Pálava

Diváky – The Memorial of the Brothers Mrštík

historical photo
historical photo
photo archive CZ

2019  →  2008

© Regionální muzeum v Mikulově 2016